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Friends of Shepherds Hill Recreation Park (FoSH) celebrated its 25th anniversary on 7 September with a morning tea held in the park.
In recognition of their dedication, 7 members were honoured with certificates, badges and letters for their involvement for 25 years and 7 members were awarded 10 year awards.
After a few short speeches, Catherine Hutchesson MP and Gus Thompson (FoSH President) presented awards to the members.
25 year recipients: Ron Miller, Margo Carmichael, Charles Connelly, Coral Gomer, David Gomer, Bruce Lang & Geoff Willmott.
10 year recipients: Graeme Brettig, Helen Tassell, Chris Regan, Robin Cram, Lindy Taeuber & Milton and Jan Turner.
Justin Holder also presented a certificate to the FoSH group, accepted by Robyn Guy.
It was a beautiful sunny day and a wonderful chance for the members, old and new, to meet up with some of the people that have supported FoSH over the years; Duncan Mackenzie, Tony Magor, Justin Holder, Jen Pitman & Ann Prescott.
Well done!
(Text & photo, courtesy of the Friends of Parks and Nature SA)
AND to round out the year..... and announced on 6 December:
through the Friends of the Parks, Shepherds Hill is the beneficiary of a Federal Urban Rivers and Catchments Program Grant, as follows:
So, an exciting and even busier year ahead!

February Working Bee
The next working bee in Shepherds Hill Recreation Park will be on Saturday, 8 February in lieu of the one scheduled for 1 February that was cancelled due to heat. Meet in the Ayliffes Road car park at 8.50 am or at one of the work sites at 9.00 am. There will be two activities, watering last year's seedlings starting near Maggie's Seat near the top of the Ridge Track, and woody weed control near the Danthonia Track. The trailer will be located on the Danthonia Track.
If you are planning on watering, please bring as much water as you can manage and a watering can or bucket.
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